As I read this review, it took me back 15 years when I had to deal with Dr. John Gonzalez at his Orthopedic Practice in Riverside.  I literally cringed as I felt for the writer of this review.

There are so many people that over the years have shared their experiences, and they all have a common theme, it astonishes me that anyone still goes to him.

YOU HAVE THE RIGHTS TO BE ASSIGNED TO ANOTHER DOCTOR…. don’t risk your health and your sanity.  Just ask to be transferred.

Here is the review (author unknown) from  For ease of reading I have reformated the post and where the text has been changed or altered (for ease of reading and so search engines can index properly), I have added [ ] marks around changes or editions for clarification.

John Gonzales is a great doctor, are words that will never leave my lips.
Long story short….work place injury .need a sooner emergency appointment due to major pain. Female on phone, “you can’t wait 2 more days for your appointment?”
Get to appointment, wait forever, as usual, in exam room with requested paperwork for “him”. He comes in [and Dr. Gonzalez], barely looks at me.
I ask question and get a hand in my face to shut up.
He leaves while saying someone will be in to schedule therapy. He never comes back. Female walks in with paperwork while I’m holding back angry tears. Doctor never looked at paperwork and I still had questions and my pain was not addressed (remember emergency appointment due to pain?).
I end up at his office, door was open, he wanted nothing to do with me. [Dr. Gonzalez] angrily came to the door and pushed me with his body. I called him an a-hole, he says, thanks for the comment. I tell him I want another doctor and then I leave.
No yelling, at all. Go to car [and] forgot paperwork and now I’m mad. Go back in, ask for doc, he never shows up. I ask again and state that if I don’t see him I’m calling police. Remember the push with his body? Manager comes out claiming I’m causing a scene,
I’m still bot yelling or even being loud. She orders me upstairs. I see [a] lady that was just laughing and talking to “his” staff and she’s supposed to make thing right or whatever. I decide that’s not gonna work for me and leave. I go downstairs to a small enclosed waiting area and write up what just happened.
Call cops. Get one with a bad attitude.
Next think I know, I’m getting written up at work for causing a scene and calling the doctor a f-Ing a-hole (which all of his “witnesses” claim is the truth and it’s not. I chose my words very carefully ) and all of a sudden all his staff happened to witness what happened.
So much more to this story that I’m not able to share.
It’s great to see that some people don’t have issues with this man. Most people I talk to are not happy with him.
I even had a coworker ask me about him, because she had a similar experience. I don’t care if he’s some kind of miracle man, it’s not worth it for treatment that you’ll receive from his staff and from him.
There’s so many more doctors out there that actually care and will take the time to talk with you and that actually care about you. Don’t waste your time with this man. He’s not worth the hype.
And the paperwork that I went back to get, conveniently disappeared within the few minutes I’d walked a short distance to my car and back to the office. Somehow, though, the X-ray that I brought in with the paperwork ended up in the computer.
I called multiple times for the paperwork, but it was never located.
I’m not a fan of liars and this person and his staff are nothing but liars and cheaters.
I wouldn’t be surprised if he paid them off to stick up for him. He can’t be a pleasant person to work for with the way that he treats patients.
See at your own risk!
  • April 5, 2021

Below is a screenshot of the original review.


Refuse The Substandard Care At Orthopedic Medical Group of Riverside by Dr. John Gonzalez

Many patients are directed to Orthopedic Medical Group and John Gonzalez MD through insurances (both workers compensation and medical). Because they were directed to a specific provider, patients feel they have no choice and wind up enduring a substandard level of care out of fear of being denied benefits or ignorance to their ability to choose a different doctor.

I fell into this trap as well. It wasn’t until after my huge blow up that I learned I could refuse to be seen by a specific doctor, request a second opinion (again which will put you with a different doctor), or that a doctor could refuse to see me (then the insurance must find another).

Contact your insurance company and ask what other orthopedic surgeons are available.

Below are excerpts of the conversation between S.A.M. and me. My impression is that he too felt trapped into seeing Dr. John Gonzalez. (For ease of reading, I have altered some of the original text but not to the point it changes what was intended by S.A.M)

I am so very disappointed with the treatment I am getting at Dr. Gonzalez’s clinic.

The staff is very rude and obnoxious, especially Angie and they make you wait at least 1.5 hrs. to 2 hrs. before you get to see Dr. Gonzales. It seems he is always running late which is why sometimes patients get up and leave.

I personally brought this matter to Dr. John Gonzalez’s attention and his attitude is “they always come back.” Just like me because I am stuck with him until I get carpal tunnel surgery on my left hand. After that I do not plan on ever returning.

The whole experience makes one feel unwelcome and sad I even have to be there for treatment.

I am still awaiting confirmation on my pre-op/surgery dates. It has been 3 weeks and I have received nothing but the run around and bad attitudes from Dr. John Gonzalez and his staff.

When I reached out to S.A.M, I requested that he allow me to post his concerns, and below is part of his response.

Hello Paul,

Thanks for the reply, and yes you can post my concerns on your website but only after my surgery for the simple reason Dr. John Gonzalez is operating on me and I am not too sure about him, so I don’t want any complications.

Here is an email I received from Judy C. regarding her billing problems with Orthopedic Medical Group (Apple Valley & Riverside Locations). She started trying to correct the problem in May 2005 and by February 2006 (when she reached out to me) it had still not been resolved.

Italics have been added for clarification.


I came upon your website while searching for some information re: OMG Orthopedic Medical Group of Riverside. I am impressed with the information you have provided and the time you took to do so.

Although my problem is not with a particular doctor of the group, I am hoping you might provide me with some assistance. My daughter was treated by a doctor of the group (Apple Valley location), beginning in April 2004. The doctor was excellent.

However, he left the group sometime after Aug. 2004 and went to another group. (I have my own suspicions as to why he left!).

I have been phoning, writing letters, faxing info to OMG (Orthopedic Medical Group)of Riverside since May 2005 regarding my account. They continually send me a bill when in fact, they owe me money. I have provided them with documentation and in our last few conversations we agree on the fact they owe me money and the amount.

Telephone messages left with the office manager go unanswered. I have filed a complaint with my health plan, although they have paid all bills and I am not sure they can be of any assistance.

Although the dollar amount I am owed is not a large amount that is not the point. No one should have to wait for the money owed them when all documentation has been provided. To some individuals the amount I am owed would help with groceries or Christmas presents for their children.

No one should have to deal with the frustrations this medical group causes.

I am wondering if you have any suggestions/contacts I can make to expedite the return of my money. My last call to the group was Nov. 30 2005 when I left a message for the manager, “Judy”, directly on her voice mail. To date, she has not returned my call. Any information you may provide will be appreciated.

I am hoping you are feeling well and that your dealings with this group have been resolved.


Judy C.