Regularly I stalk the ratings and review sites to locate other patients Dr. Gonzalez and his crew have mis-treated and the news sites to see the latest scandal that Orthopedic Medical Group of Riverside (and its various doctors) may be involved in.

On this last scour for news about OMGNET (Orthopedic Medical Group of Riverside), it appears that OMGNET has started to employ fake reviews (wow.. now they are almost up to 2 stars; LMAO)  I am truly surprised it has taken this long for them to do that.

I could also be mistaken.  Maybe it was the daughter of a good friend so she received preferential treatment, and then couldn’t believe all the true things people said about this orthopedic practice because her experience wasn’t the same as genpop (general population).

But I lean toward the reviews being completely fake based on a couple of things.

Look at the reivews of  Delaynee W. ( one of the people to leave an outstanding review of these doctors.

She claims that she was a patient of Dr. Gonzalez’s at Orthopedic Medical Group of Riverside and left a 5 Star Review for him.

Here it is:

She states that Dr. Gonzalez did surgery on her feet (plural) not foot. Three months later, she leaves another review for a spray tan business. This is her before and after photo (from

Do you see any signs of surgery on those “feet”?

There is some discoloration on the left foot, but if you zoom in on the photo it looks more like a blister healing not scarring, especially if Gonzo the Clown, I mean Dr. Gonzalez does the surgery (Dr. Gonzalez left what I believe is an unnecessarily huge scar on my hand at least 6 times bigger than the doctor that performed the same surgery on my other hand. For this and other reasons I do not believe he is a skilled surgeon).

Delanynee then goes on to leave the identical review for the other doctors at the practice

The Review for Gurvinder (Sunny) Uppal M.D.
(Please note Dr. Sunny Uppal (who I believe now wants to be known by Gurvinder Uppal, because Sunny Uppal was the name he went by and was in the news story when he was charged for accused of using NON-FDA approved devices in his surgeries).

Review of Dr. Gurvinder (Sunny) Uppal

And then she left the exact same review for the practice itself.

When you see tons of 1 star reviews and a single (but maybe more on the way) 5 star review, and you see an entire website dedicated to exposing the horrible experiences of those who were patients here, believe the pattern not the anomaly.

Based on my first hand experience with Dr. John Gonzelez and Orthopedic Medical Group of Riverside, I would absolutely avoid all doctors that are associated with the practice including Neil J. Halbridge, M.D., Stephen P. Suzuki, M.D., Donald D. Kim, M.D., Gurvinder Uppal, M.D., Richard Biama, M.D., Abraham Argun, Psyd, and Bryant Leung, M.D.

I read your website and was appalled. The worse is that I have an appointment with Dr. Sunny Uppal tomorrow, one of the doctors in the group you described in your site. I will go on and pay attention on how things will go. I need total hip replacement and certainly it will not be with this group.

Any suggestions for my research on Blue Cross Blue Shield decent doctors?

Much appreciated and thanks for the useful warning about certain doctors in this group.